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Free Trees for Students

Free Trees for Students

Thanks to our generous supporters, Licking Soil & Water offers free seedling trees to elementary and middle schools that serve Licking County students. The free seedling trees program is an opportunity to show students how important trees are to their health, their community, and their environment. When reserving trees for your students, you can choose from two options:

Option 1: Each student receives a tree to take home. This option is ideal for schools where students have a place at home to plant a tree. Schools receive tree-planting guides for each student and educational resources to use in the classroom.

Option 2:  Request trees to plant on school grounds. This option is perfect for enhancing an outdoor classroom. Students take ownership and responsibility for the trees planted. Schools receive a tree planting guide and educational resources to use in the classroom.

In addition to the seedling trees, your school will receive tree planting guides, tree education resources for the classroom, and the company name of a Licking Soil & Water Annual Giving Campaign contributor. Please have your students write a thank you to the generous contributor that helps make the annual free seedling tree program possible.   

Complete this order form by Friday, March 21, 2025 to reserve seedling trees for your students. The seedling trees will be available for pick-up on Friday, April 18, 2025 between 8:30 am and 7:00 pm.