
Appropriate for Grades: PreK - 5
Learning Standards Covered: PreK, K.LS.2, 1.LS.1, 1.LS.2, 2.LS.1, 3.LS.3, 5.LS.1
Program Length: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Recommended Group Size: 10 - 30 students per presentation
Vocabulary: pollinator, pollen, nectar, native, invasive, mutualism, egg, larvae, pupa, adult, life cycle, natural resources
Learning Objectives
- Explain broadly what a pollinator is and what they do
- Gain an appreciation for the importance of pollinators to humans and the environment as a whole
- Explain how we can help to protect pollinators
Program Description
Students learn about the importance of pollinators in our ecosystems and in global food production. Through a series of interactive discussions and activities, students learn what types of animals are and are not pollinators. As a group, we briefly discuss what types of things are harming our pollinators and a few things that we can do at home to help our pollinators. The program ends with a pollinator themed game.