Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling/Testing
Appropriate for Grades: 3-12
Learning Standards Covered: 3.ESS.1, 6.ESS.4
Program Length: 1 - 2 hours
Recommended Group Size: 30 students or less per presentation
Vocabulary: measurement, texture, sand, silt, clay, dissolve, concentration, reaction, reagent, extraction, dilution, pH, acidic, basic, neutral, nutrients, erosion
Learning Objectives
- Examine and compare the physical properties of soil samples
- Examine and compare the chemical properties of soil samples (with lab option)
- Become familiar with the determining soil texture
- Become familiar with the concepts of dissolving, concentration, reaction, extraction, and dilution (with lab option)
Program Description
Students learn about the physical properties of soil and answer comparative questions by performing soil investigation tests. Students collect soil samples from various habitats, read and follow soil test directions, and use scientific equipment.
Lab option: Soil samples are analyzed for pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium levels through chemical analysis (6th grade and up, for this option you will need to schedule several weeks out to be sure materials are available)