Harley Kirkingburg, Urban Technican

Harley Kirkingburg is one of Soil & Water’s new Urban District Technicians. Harley was born and raised in Licking county. She grew up spending all of her childhood outdoors hunting, fishing, and camping.
Harley is a Zane State graduate with an Associate’s degree in Wildlife Conservation. She has eight years’ experience working with kids as a camp counselor at Camp Falling Rock in St. Louisville OH. Past experiences with schooling and organizations have provided her a strong background in conservation and habitat restoration.
Harley will be assisting with urbanized communities’ stormwater requirements, inspecting erosion and sediment control measures on construction sites, helping landowners with questions and concerns on their land and working with various committees and partnering organizations.
Contact her at (740) 670- 5332 or harleykirkingburg@lickingswcd.com