CANCELLED- DIY Rain Barrel and Rain Garden Workshop
Why plant rain gardens? The news has recently been saturated (pun intended) with water-related headlines about elevated nitrate levels and localized flooding from heavy rainfall and stormwater runoff. Toxic algae continues to be a problem at Buckeye Lake and around Ohio. Rain gardens allow rain water to slowly soak into the ground and reduce the amount of polluted stormwater flowing into nearby streams.
What is a rain barrel? Rain barrels collect and store rain water from rooftops, thereby reducing runoff and flooding during storms. Use rain barrel water to irrigate landscaping and gardens while saving money on water bills.
At the workshop, view a well-established rain garden; then learn how to design and install a rain garden on your property. Next, build your own rain barrel so you can start harvesting rain water from your roof.
RSVP required. The cost is $50 per rain barrel.