Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

MCM 6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Good housekeeping practices are a requirement for all municipal facilities operating under an MS4 permit. This includes activities such vehicle washing and maintenance, spill reporting and response, street maintenance, outdoor storage of materials and wastes, landscaping and lawncare, and illicit discharge detection.
Licking Soil & Water can assist municipalities with developing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans for Municipal Operations. For more information about pollution prevention training and SWPPP, contact Licking Soil & Water at Information@LickingSWCD.com or 740-670-5330.
Licking Soil & Water offers training on pollution prevention in the workplace for Municipal Operations. Training covers pollution prevention concepts related to utilizing and maintaining equipment; pesticide, fertilizer, and salt storage and handling; and general workplace pollution prevention.
Licking County Soil and Water Conservation District can assist Phase II Small MS4 permit partner communities with MCM 6 Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping training through in-person workshops. Training videos are also available to be loaned out to communities or facilities for a self-guided training option.
Videos Available to Borrow:
IDDE - "A Grate Concern" (14 minutes)
The video focuses on the hazards of illicit discharges and shows employees how to spot them.
IDDE - "Public Outreach & Education" (5 videos from 30 seconds – 10 minutes)
This video covers what an illicit discharge is, not to discharge any non-stormwater into the MS4, how to spot evidence of past illicit discharges and what to do if they spot such evidence.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention for MS4s "Rain Check" (19 to 31 minutes)
This program shows employees how to practice good housekeeping, spill response, materials management, vehicle fueling and washing, and the other BMPs profiled in the “National Menu".
Stormwater Pollution Prevention "A Drop in the Bucket" (16 Minutes)
This employee training program shows employees at industrial and industrial-type government facilities the latest Stormwater Pollution Prevention techniques like good housekeeping, materials management, spill prevention, maintenance, and small spill clean-up.
Stormwater for Construction BMPs "Ground Control" (14 minutes)
This employee training kit is designed to show employees how erosion, sediments and other potential surface water pollutants are controlled at construction sites.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention "Storm Warnings" (18 minutes)
This training kit is designed to provide general awareness training to employees and contractors about stormwater pollution prevention such as good housekeeping and other BMPs that help protect stormwater run-off.
Stormwater for Municipalities "Storm Watch" (20 minutes)
The program focuses on BMPs that are important to many municipal operations such as good housekeeping, spill response, materials storage and handling, landscape maintenance and street maintenance.
For training video rentals, submit the rental request form found here.