Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment

MCM 5: Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment
All post-construction sites within the UA are required to be inspected on an annual basis. LCSWCD is responsible for inspecting storm water infrastructure in townships and villages in partnership with their MS4 representative or their designee. Post Construction annual inspections take place annually. LCSWCD maintains an Urban Technician position to conduct stormwater inspections as a qualified and certified staff member. When an O&M is recorded with final plat, the O&M is referred to. O&Ms were not required until 2016. Final construction plans are also referred to prior to and during post construction annual inspections. Inspection data is maintained in stormwater software.
If violations and concerns are discovered, property owner is informed via letter with an explanation of concern and expected actions for correction with a timetable. If no action is taken by owner, Licking County Planning activates the violation process to resolve the issue. All post construction sites will be inspected at least once during the permit cycle. All new post construction sites will be inspected within one year after final plat.