Wild Flower Seed Mix Planting Guide
Ideally before seeding your Wildflower seed mixture you can:
· Plan to seed an area that you have observed to at least have 8 hours of full sun in a day allowing good germination and a hardy bounty of blooms.
· Just like any other plant, the wildflower seeds will struggle if they have to compete for nutrients, light, and water. Having your soil tested that way you will know how much organic matter is needed to benefit the seeds.
· If there is a weed problem you can till the soil and/or lay down a thick, black plastic layer over area before you want to seed. It is suggested to work with a licensed spray technician to address any perennial weeds before establishing your wildflower mix as they will be more difficult to remove later. You may delay seeding until weed control is applied to improve establishment.
· Hand seed, broadcast, hydroseed, or use a drill to seed.
· It best to have it completed when the soil temperature, at 3” depth, is near 55 degrees Fahrenheit minimum but do not wait for soil to be over 60 degrees. Cheap soil probes are available at garden centers and online.
· Seed then cover with ¼” of organic material or less into soil, can try using a lawn roller or ATV for larger areas. Some folks do the wet sand method to help weigh down the lightweight seeds
· Light mulching with straw or the use of coconut fiber mats is suggested to prevent seeds from drying out and washing away.
· Irrigate during dry weather periods for proper germination.
Post-Planting Maintenance to Improve Results
In the first growing season post-planting maintenance improves results:
· Be vigilant to remove vines or spiny weeds early in the planting season as they are easier to remove young. They should be hand pulled or spot spray, direct, application of herbicide.
· When the overall vegetation’s height reaches 18”-24”, if the ground is not too steep or rough, use a brush hog mower or a string trimmer to trim down to 8” thus reducing competition of fast-growing weeds for sun-light and nutrients needed for the slower growing perennial natives.
· Do not mow by mid-September.
Second and subsequent growing seasons:
· Trim any material still standing close to the ground (about 2”) in the spring right after the forsythia has bloomed.
· Pull or direct spray weeds early. Trim the slope to 8” if you see an infestation of ragweed or foxtail but if not.
· Remember, tall vegetation provides protection for wildlife such as quail, deer, turkey.