Kyle Seitz, Watershed Specialist

Kyle Seitz is Soil & Water’s Watershed Specialist. Originally from Delaware county, Kyle was raised around agriculture and was a member of both the Big Walnut FFA and 4-H groups during his youth. He grew up loving nature, frequently hunting and fishing, and creeking whenever he could.
An Ohio State University Alum, Kyle has a BA in political science and a Masters in Environment and Natural Resources with a focus on aquatic ecosystems. Past position with USDA, ODNR and private industry has created a wealth of knowledge in water quality including biological assessment, habitat evaluation and water chemical analysis. Kyle is level 2 Qualified Data Collector for Chemical Water Quality Assessment, and level 1 for Macroinvertebrate and cQHEI.
Kyle will be assisting the South Licking Watershed Conservancy District with a variety of large projects around the Raccoon Creek watershed. He will be managing a variety of grant applications as well as acting as primary contact. Kyle will also be coordinating and managing the Licking County Stream Team citizen science program.
For more information on Stream Team or other water resource questions please contact Kyle at 740-670-5330 or