In-Person Educator Workshop: Citizen Science/ Project WILD/Aquatic WILD
Project WILD is concerned with providing information as well as helping students evaluate choices and make responsible decisions about wildlife and the environment. All
curriculum materials are backed by sound educational practices and theory, and represent the work of many within the fields of education and natural resource management from across the country. Participants receive Project WILD K-12 Curriculum and Activity Guide and WILD Aquatic K-12 Curriculum and Activity Guide, which focuses on aquatic wildlife and ecosystems. Eligible for WILD School Site grants upon certification.
Citizen Science workshop will offer ways to experience project-based learning that is accessible in any setting, outdoors, or classroom. This fun and interactive workshop covers a variety of topics like ant investigations, micro hike with macro lenses, and nature journals. We will use the scientific method, critical thinking, technology, and our senses to connect ways to bring the classroom into nature. Citizen Science enables all of us to collectively manage the health and well-being of ourselves and our planet.